Health Issues That Are Common in Young Children

Health Issues That Are Common in Young Children

Posted by The Piggyback Rider Team on 15th Sep 2021

Taking care of a child is a lot of responsibility, whether it is your first or sixth one. In their early years, children have yet to develop a strong immune system because they have not been exposed to different bacteria or viruses yet. That said, you do not need to be afraid of common childhood health issues if you are prepared beforehand and know what to expect.

Sore Throats

Often, sore throats are caused by infections, but can also come from a variety of different causes. For an adult, a sore throat might not take you out for the day, in fact, you could still go to work with one. However, when a child gets a sore throat, they are not used to how it feels yet and it can be quite uncomfortable, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms. In the event that your child has a sore throat, you can treat it in several different ways. There are medications specifically designed for children to take if they have a sore throat, coming in forms of sprays or candy. If you do not want to medicate, you can give them a popsicle or hot water or tea with honey.

Ear Infections

Children enjoy outdoor activities like swimming, particularly in the summertime. If your child spends a lot of time in the water, your child will likely experience ear infections once or twice. Children are more susceptible to ear infections because parts of their ears are not yet fully developed. This means that it is easier for water to get trapped inside the ear. The best way to treat ear infections is by taking them to their doctor as soon as possible. If left untreated, an ear infection could lead to hearing loss. The doctor might subscribe antibiotics for the infection, but if not, you can also give your child pain killers. It is also important for you to not put a cotton swab into your child’s ear as this can make the situation worse.


As your child gets exposed to more particles in the air and different types of food, you will start to notice that your child might have allergies. In some cases, it can be obvious what your child is allergic to, like if they ate something and then had a reaction. More often, however, it is more difficult to narrow down what exactly your child is allergic to. To figure this out, you can have your child tested for common environmental allergens in the area. Based on what the doctor finds, they will recommend a treatment. Some common allergens to look out for in children are milk, peanuts, pollen, shellfish, wheat, and animals like cats.


The skin on children is more sensitive and vulnerable than that of an adult. As a result, during your time raising a child you will encounter a rash of some sort. Some rashes can be a result of an allergic reaction to something your child ate or something that touched their skin. If you suspect that your child has extremely sensitive skin, you should pay attention to what you are putting on their skin. For example, you should use scent-free lotions that also have skin calming ingredients like oat milk. If your child’s rash does not go away within 24-48 hours or it gets worse, you should visit a dermatologist as soon as possible. Dermatologist visits are usually covered by insurance because they are medically necessary.

Chicken Pox

It seems that every book or movie about adolescents includes someone either faking chicken pox or catching it as a sort of rite of passage. The reality is that chicken pox is becoming less common over time, but it is still contagious and present. Luckily, most children are vaccinated against chicken pox when they are young. However, there is still a chance they can catch chickenpox from another child. You might need to take your child to the doctor and help them avoid scratching the pox. Vaccinated children will have a less severe case of chickenpox and might not need to go to the doctor. Fevers often accompany chicken pox, so you will have to treat that as well.

Vision Impairment

Although being visually impaired is not an illness like the other listings, it is still a health issue you should look out for in your children. If poor vision runs in your family, your child might show symptoms early on that they might need visual assistance. There are a couple easy ways to tell if your child might need glasses. First, you should pay attention to how closely your child sits to the television screen or holds books to their face. Another sign they might need glasses is if you often catch them squinting to look at or read something. Depth perception can also be a good indicator that you should take your child to get their eyes checked.


At places like school or sleep overs, it is a risk that children will unknowingly pass something on to their friends. Lice is an easily transferable parasite that tends to live on human scalps. Because children often share hats, brushes, or have smaller personal spaces, if one child brings lice, it can spread quickly. Luckily, lice can be treated without going to the doctor by using home remedies or medicated shampoo designed to kill lice.

Common Colds

Schools and playgrounds are pools for germs to transfer from child to child. This is why during the cold season; your child is likely to get sick. When they get a cold, you can treat their individual symptoms with medication designed for children. It is also important that you ensure your child drinks a lot of fluids and gets enough vitamins to fit the virus.

Your child will have some health issues. This is an unavoidable part of raising a child. However, now that you know what to look out for, you will be more prepared as a parent to help treat whatever illness your child encounters.

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