Outdoor Retailer-New Cool Gadgets and Gear 2014

Outdoor Retailer-New Cool Gadgets and Gear 2014

9th Sep 2013


Outdoor Retailer-Jordanelle Reservoir and Salt Palace, UTAH

We saw something very cool at Outdoor Retailer this year. In our ‘hood’- dogs waaaay outnumber the number of little human citizens—but Piggyback Riderstanding child carriers have a grateful following just about everywhere we guess —since the Lifshitz brothers’ debut their haulers- a few years back.

Unobstructed views, no choking the guardian’s neck, safe and easy to use —at reasonable prices…the Piggyback Rider® now has several models-depending on needs and destinations. Just launched at Outdoor Retailer.

We have yet to see one of these in the NYC subways though they sure take up less room than the chariot sized carriages that double as wielded weapons on the crowded sidewalks. Grrrr.