Keeping the classics alive

Keeping the classics alive

25th Oct 2012

Frankenstorm is headed our way. Big mama of a storm to blast the E Coast from Sunday. This takes us through Halloween. Bust East Coasters don’t let the storm be a spoiler, we still offer our annual reward to the best costume that uses a Piggyback Rider kid carrier. Just send us a photo.

Remember, back in the day, when Halloween was only for kids? Before it became another party weekend for adults and we spent time knocking on doors in our Spiderman, Star Wars and Batman costumes?

There’s no doubt that Halloween has changed, but in many ways, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Take, for instance, this story into account which lists a princess, Batman, Spiderman and a witch as the top kids costumes according to the National Retail Federation. Even the good-old ghost and vampire get-ups still make the list.

Speaking of Halloween lists, we like this one too, which suggests some ideas for brother/sister costumes.

And while we’re on the topic of combo costumes, we wonder if you have any ideas on parents who might venture forth on Halloween with their little trick-o-treater in a Piggyback Rider. Should the parent go as a Ghostbuster and spiffy up the Piggyback Rider as a “Slime Blower MK II”?

Any suggestions on the best costume to include a Piggyback Rider would be much appreciated.

Have fun out there, whatever you dress as.