Jita-Kyoei: Mutual Welfare and Benefit of Judo and Fatherhood

Jita-Kyoei: Mutual Welfare and Benefit of Judo and Fatherhood

12th Feb 2013

Welfare and benefit of Judo and Fatherhood

Kanō Jigorō (嘉納 治五郎, 28 October 1860 – 4 May 1938) welfare was the founder of judo and Jita-Kyoei: Mutual Welfare and Benefit was his philosophy. Judo was the first Japanese martial art to gain widespread international recognition, and the first to become an official Olympic sport. In 1915, Kanō gave this definition to judo: Judo is the way of the highest or most efficient use of both physical and mental energy. Through training in the attack and defence techniques of judo, the practitioner nurtures their physical and mental strength, and gradually embodies the essence of the Way of Judo.Thus, the ultimate objective of Judo discipline is to be utilized as a means to self-perfection, and thenceforth to make a positive contribution to society.

Pinciples of Judo and Fatherhood Welfare

Kano incorporated two fundamental principles of Judo, “Maximum Efficiency” and “Mutual Welfare and Benefit”. Jita Kyoei embodies Judo because one cannot play Judo alone. We need a partner. Sure we can shadow-judo, but we really need a partner. When we play Judo we both learn and the mutual learning makes us both better judoka.

This mantra of Jita-Kyoei perfectly applies to parenting, and in my case fatherhood. Re-read the post and mentally replace the judo players witha the images of a father and son, mother and daughter (well you get the point) and remember that as we raise our kids, they also raise us. We are each other and play and learn together. Think about what you’ve learned from your kids. Spans the gamut from elementary school information to new and different ways of doing things. I encourage you to seek out your local dojo and go play judo. Mutual Welfare and Benefit.