Dad invented products

Dad invented products

22nd Dec 2013

So, they say that necessity is the mother of all invention; but in these cases- it’s actually the father. In the past, Dad would return home from his 9-5 job, put his slippered feet up and read the paper while guzzling a gin and tonic.

Well, times have changed- recent data shows that, on average, guys do 20% of the housework and 41% of the food preparation. In a nutshell, dads are more involved with all aspects of modern life and parenting, whether it be cooking, cleaning, or spending time with kids.

So, it should come as no surprise that this new trend has led to a wave of “Dad-preneurs” who have used their day-to-day experience with kid-oriented products to invent and create companies that solve the problems they encounter. Here are a few of our favorites. Dad invented products add to the gear we need.

Piggyback Rider: The Lifshitz brothers, with eight kids between them, were tired of hauling their cranky, refuse-to-walk kids on their backs, so they came up with the Piggyback Rider. It’s an easy, safe way for children to “ride,” and allows them to stand with an unobstructed view of what’s ahead of them. Even better, it fosters communication between parent and child.

Genetipetz creator Chris Meade was an engineer, but always had an interest in genetics. He decided to “cross-breed” stuffed animals to create combinations like a Snurglegator and Mooraffe. He even got his kids involved in this one- his 12-year-old son is the VP of Design and his 9-year-old is the VP of marketing.

Personalized Gifts came to life when a dad was tired of trying to find gifts for his 3 sons. So why not personalize personalization? This company offers place mats, bookmarks and pillows that not only feature kids’ monikers, but do it in a fun, original way: each letter in itself is art.

Frogglez. Tired of fighting with his kids about wearing their swimming goggles, one dad decided to take matters into his own hands and create a pair that didn’t pull hair or leave raccoon marks under eyes. Frogglez are incredibly comfortable and easy to wear, so kids can stay in the pool longer.

Frecklebox. Scott and Mark, the dads behind Frecklebox, wanted to help entertain and educate their children, so they created a company to do just that. Personalized books, lunchboxes, educational materials and more serve to make kids feel special.

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