Bring the Kids Blog, bloggs on

Bring the Kids Blog, bloggs on

10th May 2012

Although we love hiking as a family, Chloe is, well…ummmm…okay the kid’s pretty whimpy (yes, I really called my 2 year old whimpy). She’s just much more of a “carry me” kind of kid. The thing is, she’s really getting too big for our backpack carrier, and with another one on the way, we had no plans of always having two kids that we would have to carry – she’d have to suck it up and walk! Then we learned about the Piggyback rider…

ThePiggyback Rider is quickly making its way into the parenting world. It’s commonly refered to as the next step after your child outgrows a traditional child carrier backpack. We were thrilled to learn that it’s designed for kids ages 2 1/2 to 7 (or 60 pounds), so should work perfectly with Chloe (2 1/2 and 30 pounds) and Mason (5 and 43 pounds). We first saw it at the Outdoor Retail Show in January. It’s basically made up of shoulder straps with a bar hanging down below it for the child to ride on. For safety, the child wears a harness that clips onto the pack and also holds onto handles on the adults pack. We were mesmerized by the idea! Read on..